▼Kids Fun童遊專案 Kids Fun 童遊【專案內容】1. 提供兒童備品乙份-含 兒童牙刷、牙膏、洗沐、室內拖鞋2. 房內兒童益智遊戲玩具3. 依住房人數(2大1小)提供早餐4. 私人溫泉池* 限電話訂房 ,最晚請於入住前三天預訂,每天限定 2間,售完即止,敬請提前預訂。 訂房電話:02-2896 9798*專案入住人數:2大1小每房最多入住人數2成人、2小孩如第二位小童身高超過120CM或以上,入住需加收500元,含乙份早餐及備品【專案注意事項】1. 專案期間:2024/09/01~2024/10/312. 訂房方式僅限電話預訂,不適用OTA平台、業務訂單。3. 專案依房型人數提供早餐,2大1小。4. 住宿期間預訂 KTV可享房客優惠,3小時 一時段 $1,200,續唱每小時$300。5. 每房提供兒童備品限乙份。6. 如損壞或帶走房內兒童遊戲用品,房客應照飯店規定賠償。7. 不得與其它優惠方案併用。8. 未詳盡之處,以現場規定為主,本飯店保有專案活動之修改及終止權利且保有解釋權。【About Kids Fun】1. Provide one set of children’s supplies - including a children’s toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, and indoor slippers.2. Educational toys for children.3. Breakfast provided according to the number of guests (2 adults and 1 child).4. Private hot spring pool.*Reservation by phone only. Must be booked three days in advance. Limited to 2 rooms per day, first come first served. Please book in advance. Tel: 02-2896 9798*Occupancy: 2 adults and 1 child. Maximum occupancy per room: 2 adults and 2 children. If the second child is over 120 cm in height, an additional charge of NT$500 will apply, including one breakfast and supplies.【Notes】1. Project period: 2024/09/01~2024/10/31.2. Reservations are only accepted by phone, not applicable to OTA platforms or business orders.3. Breakfast is provided according to the number of guests in the room type, 2 adults and 1 child.4. During the stay, guests can enjoy a KTV discount: NT$1,200 for a 3-hour session, NT$300 per additional hour.5. Only one set of children’s supplies is provided per room.6. Guests must compensate according to hotel regulations if children’s toys in the room are damaged or taken away.7. Cannot be combined with other discount offers.8. For any unspecified matters, the on-site regulations shall prevail. The hotel reserves the right to modify or terminate the project and retains the right of interpretation.